Musings of a sound mixer
Sound Devices 888 – A Zaxcom User’s Perspective
A few weeks ago, DVE Store was kind enough to loan me the 788T’s intended successor, the Sound Devices 888, released late 2019.
More Thoughts On 32-Bit
Recently, I wrote an article on why 32-bit recording is ultimately superfluous for a location sound mixer. Since publishing it, a few things have happened in the audio world. Zaxcom’s new Nova recorder began shipping, without 32-bit float. This is incidentally on my wish list.
32-Bit Audio Recording – Do You Need It?
Short answer, no, you do not need to record 32-bit audio. The only benefit is moot when hiring a professional mixer. It’s entirely superfluous when you consider how sound is captured digitally. Fine, I’ll explain why this is the case. What Is 32-Bit Audio Anyway?
Etiquette 101 – Wire Talent Like A Pro
I’ve had a few people ask me how difficult #MeToo has made it to do my job. My answer: it hasn’t changed one bit. Since the news broke about Harvey Weinsten in 2017, many people have come forward with stories of sexual harassment and sexual assault, and not just in the entertainment industry.
How I Approach New Jobs
As a Freelance Sound Mixer, I get many calls every year from new clients. I need to quickly know the scope of the job and recommend the best practice, and these four questions help me do that.